The Franciscan Life Center offers a variety of services, all focused on bringing hope and a renewed sense of dignity to persons.
Counseling & Clinical Services
Counseling services are based on a belief in the [...]
Youth Programs
Summer Enrichment Programs Franciscan Land-based Summer Experiences for Children [...]
Land-based Programs
Work Days Teen and adult volunteers assist the Franciscan [...]
Workshops & Classes
From time to time, the Center offers classes and [...]
Pro-Life Ministry
Pro-Life Ministry, an outreach of the Archdiocese of Hartford at [...]
Collaborative Care
The Collaborative Care program invites older persons to work together [...]
Walter Acres
Walter Acres is a residential community of nine homes designed for [...]
Franciscan Pottery
Franciscan Pottery offers a selection of thrown and hand-built pottery [...]
Other Local Franciscan Services
In Connecticut, the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist also provide services of home care, hospice care, assistance for daily living in the home, as well as organizational consulting, and media and web site services through our related agencies:
Franciscan Home Care and Hospice Care
Franciscan Ever There Care
Synergic Systems
A Global Network of Services
The Franciscan Life Center is a part of the Franciscan Life Center Network which comprises the services offered by the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist in the United States, Canada, Italy and the Holy Land. Linked together by the common bonds of spirituality, philosophy, authority and the mutual sharing of personnel, these services form a network to meet the needs of persons of all ages.
Each service within the network offers its expertise for the benefit of the others. This mutual sharing and collaboration among the Franciscan centers encourages a dynamic synergy which enhances each part of the network. To learn more about the services and programs of the Franciscan Life Center Network, visit the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist’s web site.