Work Days

Teen and adult volunteers assist the Franciscan Sisters at Saturday work days, helping to prepare, plant, maintain and harvest the large vegetable garden as well as assisting in planting and weeding flower beds and caring for the lawns. Other projects include stacking wood, caring for the orchard and cleaning the animal barn. A community lunch is served at the end of the work hours.

Community Service Hours

Local high school students often gain their required community service hours through volunteering at the Franciscan Life Center’s work days and projects.

Franciscan Community Service-based Land Program

The Franciscan Community Service-based Land Program is a volunteer service-oriented program for young people who are seeking an opportunity to pursue personal growth, a chance to learn new skills, a place to meet new people, and a deeper understanding of the Catholic faith. The core of the program comprises daily manual work experiences with soil, plants and animals under the direction of a master. Based in these experiences, the program gives participants a unique combination of opportunities including:

  • Development of problem solving and socialization skills through day to day interaction with a peer group
  • Participation in various intergenerational service project which stem from the mission of the Franciscan Sister and the people they serve
  • Weekly integration meetings where analogies are made from simple processes found in nature to personal growth in relationship to God, oneself and others
  • Opportunities for counseling
  • Participation in educational programs, classes and seminars sponsored by the Franciscan Life Center
  • Study of pertinent theological books and documents
  • Participation in Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer and daily Mass

What Is Expected

The Land Program is a volunteer program without direct financial remuneration. However, room and board as well as many opportunities for personal, professional and educational enrichment are provided.

In turn, participants are asked

  • To be available to the Franciscan Life Center, its mission and apostolic works
  • To develop a respect and reverence for all forms of created matter in relationship to the Land Program
  • To be willing to learn about and support the teachings of the Catholic Church
  • To provide their own health insurance, spending money and transportation

The Land Program is available on a year long basis. Shorter experiences during the summer months can also be arranged. Each person wishing to enter the Land Program is required to submit an application. Application forms can be obtained by contacting the Franciscan Life Center.