Faith & Blue
Chapel of St. John 269 Finch Ave, Meriden, CTFaith & Blue - Honoring and Praying for Our Police 4:00 P.M. Refreshments and casual conversation with Cheshire police men and women, outdoors near the chapel 5:00 P.M. Prayer [...]
Faith & Blue - Honoring and Praying for Our Police 4:00 P.M. Refreshments and casual conversation with Cheshire police men and women, outdoors near the chapel 5:00 P.M. Prayer [...]
For all the details visit Franciscan Christmas Fair. ALL ARE WELCOME!
Dr. Thomas Finn, Clinical Psychologist on staff at the Franciscan Life Center, is presenting an Overcoming Anxiety Workshop. Overcoming Anxiety Workshop – Thursdays April 11 – May 16, 2024, [...]
For reservations go to
Click here to register and pay online.
You are invited! Join the Franciscan Sisters and hundreds of friends at the 33rd Franciscan Christmas Fair! Shopping, food, the Living Creche, something for everyone. Visit [...]
Ion Bank Community Awards Program VOTING NOW OPEN Consider choosing either Franciscan Life Center or Franciscan Home Care and Hospice Care by clicking either link and they will receive $25 per [...]