A Letter from Sister Sophia Peters, Executive Director

Dear Friend,

This Jubilee Year of Hope is an opportunity to awaken the hearts of all people. “All of us have received the gift and task of bringing hope wherever hope has been lost, lives broken, promises unkept, dreams shattered and hearts overwhelmed by adversity. We are called to bring hope to the weary who have no strength to carry on, the lonely oppressed by the bitterness of failure, and all those who are broken-hearted.”  (Pope Francis, Christmas Eve homily)

It is our mission to do our part to bring hope to our suffering world, to the persons we serve at the Franciscan Life Center. Our part may be small, but we firmly believe love is never small. Lives are changed; hope is brought to life; peace is renewed and joy is alive.

We cannot fulfill our mission without you. Your support helps us be instruments of healing, as we cannot do it alone. The needs are exceedingly great, the demands grow daily, and we ask for your support to help us respond.

Thank you for your trust. We are grateful for your confidence in us to be good stewards of your contribution.

On behalf of the staff of the Center and Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist, we thank you for your consideration and your prayers. Please be assured of our prayers for you.

In Hope,

Sister Sophia

We are grateful for your support!

Memorial Plantings
In memory of a loved one, have a tree or shrub planted on the Franciscan Life Center campus. Each memorial is given a permanent marker inscribed with the names of the donor and the person remembered. Memorials begin at $75.00.

Pledged Support
Be a regular supporter by specifying a monthly, quarterly or annual donation. Programs needing support include counseling for those without insurance, land-based programs for youth, and the ongoing improvement of the grounds.

Will Bequests
By remembering the Franciscan Life Center in your will, you are sharing in the mission and helping to ensure the future growth of the programs.

Mother Shaun Endowment Fund
In order to assure the future and continued vitality of the mission of the Franciscan Life Center and Franciscan Home Care and Hospice Care and our services of counseling, education, care of the sick and end of life care, an endowment fund has been established in the name of Mother Shaun Vergauwen, F.S.E., Co-foundress and past Mother General of the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist.

A gift to the Mother Shaun Endowment Fund is a legacy for you and your family. Your gift will provide lasting support for the Franciscan missions of counseling, education, home health care, and hospice care.

Contributions to the endowment fund are accepted in the form of cash, securities, life insurance or will bequests. All gifts are unrestricted. An endowment gift can be made in the form of a pledge or a matching gift. Call the Franciscan Life Center for more information.