Events for May 31, 2021 - June 20, 2021

Columbus Day


On this day we  commemorate the event that brought the old world and the new world together. Let Columbus Day be an opportunity of sharing cultural heritage and tradition, [...]

Election Day


Your voice matters, your vote matters.

Franciscan Christmas Fair Online

Online Shop for your favorite items - Franciscan pottery, candles, knitted and sewn items, olive wood products from the Holy Land, rosaries, greeting cards and many more! See photos [...]



We wish all of our staff, clients, and families a very Happy Thanksgiving! We are truly blessed to be able to work with such wonderful people - staff, clients, [...]

Christmas Day


Merry Christmas! We wish all of our staff, clients and families a very Blessed Christmas.

Palm Sunday

In the midst of Jesus’s triumphant entrance into Jerusalem, there is a simultaneous note of discord.  We can easily imagine the same crowds who shout, “Hosanna to the Son [...]

Holy Thursday

Today, look at Jesus as He stoops to wash your feet.  He draws near to you.  He knows the paths your feet have trod, the aches, the worries, the [...]

Good Friday

In a parallel scene to the triumphant entry into Jerusalem, today Jesus travels through Jerusalem accompanied by crowds.  Instead of praising Him with laud and honor, they shout at [...]

Holy Saturday

On Holy Saturday, there is no Mass or Communion Service during the day.  It is a time of waiting with the disciples.  It is a time of the unknown.  [...]

Easter Sunday

We would like to wish all of our clients, families and staff a Happy Easter!

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